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Game Boy Advance SP European Limited Editions

In June 1990, Nintendo opened a subsidiary in Germany called Nintendo of Europe.

Nintendo headquarters in Germany

Nintendo has a very strange attitude towards the European market. On one hand, this market is no worse than the American market, but on the other hand, there is no Pokemon Center or Nintendo World Store here. However, Nintendo World Store exists, for example, in Israel.

In terms of limited editions, Europe is second to last. Although there is one small exception. The most interesting sets (GBA SP Groudon / Kyogre) in terms of packaging design were released here.

Game Boy Advance SP Classic NES

Game Boy Advance SP Classic NES

A console released in honor of the NES console.


You can see more about the Game Boy Advance SP Classic NES in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Classic NES».

Game Boy Advance SP Tribal

Game Boy Advance SP Tribal

If Mario had a tattoo, it would look like this.

Mario Tribal

Note that this console was released in Europe in two versions: AGS-001 and AGS-101 (the difference is only in the box and the model number on the label).

Game Boy Advance SP Tribal AGS-101

You can see more about the Game Boy Advance SP Tribal in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Tribal».

Game Boy Advance SP Mario vs. Donkey Kong

Game Boy Advance SP Mario vs. Donkey Kong

This console was most likely released in 2004 to celebrate the release of the game Mario vs. Donkey Kong.

Game Boy Advance Mario vs. Donkey Kong game

You can see more about the Game Boy Advance SP Mario vs. Donkey Kong in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Mario vs. Donkey Kong».

Game Boy Advance SP Zelda

Game Boy Advance SP Zelda

This console came bundled with the game Zelda Minish Cap. But it is interesting for another reason. This is the console that contained a card for obtaining a Game Boy Advance SP with a pure gold case.

Game Boy Advance SP Gold Zelda

In addition, this console was distributed through the Nintendo Club in a very rare set - Zelda Limited Edition Adventure Set. In a quantity of 300 pieces.

Game Boy Advance SP Zelda Limited Edition Adventure Set

You can see more about the Game Boy Advance SP Zelda in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Zelda».

Game Boy Advance SP Kingdom Hearts

Game Boy Advance SP Kingdom Hearts

This version of the Game Boy Advance SP was released on November 11, 2004.

The console came bundled with the game Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and the set itself was slightly less rich than in Japan.

You can see more about the Game Boy Advance SP Kingdom Hearts in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Kingdom Hearts».

Game Boy Advance SP Groudon

Game Boy Advance SP Groudon

You can see more about the Game Boy Advance SP Groudon in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Groudon».

Game Boy Advance SP Kyogre

Game Boy Advance SP Kyogre

You can see more about the Game Boy Advance SP Kyogre in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Kyogre».