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Gateway 3DS

Gateway for Nintendo 3DS is perhaps the strangest flash cartridge for the console that I have ever seen. To get it running, you need to put in a lot of effort, especially if you're doing it in 2023.

In this guide, I will explain how to launch this flash cartridge, what is needed for it, and how to use it.

Gateway 3DS


This flash cartridge came in a very beautiful blue box.

Gateway 3DS

The kit included two cartridges.

Gateway 3DS

I will refer to them by the color of their labels: blue and red.

The blue cartridge is a regular flash cartridge for Nintendo DS (it can be replaced with another flash cartridge).

The red cartridge is the main flash cartridge for launching 3DS games.


This cartridge has one big problem. It only works on consoles with firmware versions from 4.1 to 4.5 and from 5.0 to 9.2. Depending on the firmware and console version (NEW/OLD), you need to use four different exploits.

On OLD Nintendo 3DS consoles with firmware 4.1 – 4.5, the MSET exploit is used (this requires a blue Gateway cartridge).

On OLD Nintendo 3DS consoles with firmware 5.0 – 9.2, a browser exploit is used (this does not require a flash cartridge, but you may need, for example, an Android phone to run a local website with the exploit).

On NEW Nintendo 3DS with firmware 9.2, an exploit using Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D or Cubic Ninja cartridges is used.

On firmware versions higher than 9.2, the cartridge will not work! Regardless of the console type.

Gateway can also be launched on a hacked console with Luma installed, but I don't see the need for this, as if the console is already hacked, there is no point in using a flash cartridge. However, if you need it, you can use this guide.

The hardest part here is finding a console with firmware 4.1 – 9.2. Firmware 9.0 was released back in 2014. After nine years, it's very difficult to find a console even with such firmware, let alone 4.1.

Gateway 3DS

Watch the video to see how I searched for such consoles and what I bought:

If you have a console with the required firmware, you need to purchase:

1. A memory card for the console. If you have an OLD 3DS, you will need to buy an SD memory card (if you don't have one), if you have a NEW 3DS, you need to buy a Micro SD memory card.

2. MicroSD memory cards for the blue and red flash cartridges.

3. A card reader for memory cards.

The SD memory card for the console should be at least 16GB and no more than 32GB. It needs to be formatted in FAT32. If your console already has a memory card, it still needs to be reformatted to avoid errors when creating emuNAND.

The Micro SD memory cards for the cartridges should be no more than 128GB. Keep in mind that you will be writing games to the red Gateway cartridge, so it's advisable to get a larger memory card. Format the memory cards in exFAT format.

Additionally, you need to download:

1. The archive with files - GATEWAY ULTRA 3.7.2 BETA;

2. The firmware upgrade to version 11.7.

The files for the firmware upgrade are located HERE.

Note that you need to select the files specifically for your console. Since I have a European OLD 3DS, I chose the files located in the emuNAND 11.7.0-40E tab.

emuNAND 11.7.0-40E – for European consoles.

emuNAND 11.7.0-40U – for American consoles.

emuNAND 11.7.0-40J – for Japanese consoles.

If you have downloaded everything, we are ready to start setting up the console.

To get the Gateway cartridge working, you need to do the following:

1. Determine which exploit is needed.

2. Download the necessary files to the console and cartridges;

3. Launch the exploit on the console;

4. Backup sysNAND and save it to your computer;

5. Create emuNAND;

6. Update the red Gateway cartridge;

7. Install the 11.7 update.

And only after that can you launch the game.

Let's go step by step.


As I wrote above, if your console has firmware 4.1 – 4.5, you will need to use the blue Gateway cartridge and the MSET exploit. Let's start with it, then continue with the Spider exploit (the one done via the internet) and finish with the Ninjahax exploit. I do not recommend the exploit using the Zelda cartridge, as it requires either an already hacked console or one that can run Gateway. Plus, not every game cartridge will work – it's a lottery.

MSET Exploit

First, format all memory cards as indicated above. Then turn on the console and wait until all necessary files are created on the memory card. After that, you can proceed.

Unzip the file GATEWAY ULTRA 3.7.2

Take the memory card from the blue Gateway cartridge and write the files from the Blue Card (R4i) folder to it. That is, the root of the memory card should contain the files _DSMENU.DAT, GW_INSTALLER.nds, and the __rpg folder.

Write the Launcher.dat file to the console's memory card (it should start with a capital letter). It is located in the GW_Ultra_4.2_BETA folder.

Insert the memory card into the blue Gateway cartridge, and the cartridge into the console. Also, insert the console's memory card.

After turning on the console, launch the blue Gateway cartridge and load the NVRAM INSTALLER program. The Gateway 3DS Installer menu will appear.


Press A and a submenu will open where you need to select your console. I chose the CLASSIC 3DS option, as I have an OLD3DS (it doesn't matter if you have a 3DS, 3DS XL, or 2DS).


Press A again. Now you need to select the console region. I chose EUR/USA/JAP/KOR.


Press A again and the exploit installation process will begin. At the end, the message DONE! Press [A] to exit will appear.


Press A and restart the console.

After turning on the console, go to the settings.

Nintendo 3DS Home menu

Select Other Settings.

Nintendo 3DS settings

Select Profile.

Nintendo 3DS settings

And select the Nintendo DS Profile.

Nintendo 3DS settings

If the exploit worked, you will enter the Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2 menu:

Nintendo 3DS Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2

If the exploit did NOT work, you will enter this menu:

Nintendo 3DS settings

Try the exploit a couple more times. If it doesn't work, your console is probably not in the firmware range 4.1 – 4.5.

Note that after turning the console off and on, the exploit will remain, so you won't need to use the blue Gateway cartridge every time. However, if you launch a Nintendo DS game cartridge (or the blue Gateway cartridge) while in sysNAND, the exploit will disappear and you will need to reinstall it.

Spider Exploit

Now let's move on to another hacking method. If your console has firmware 5.0 – 9.2, you need to use the Spider exploit.

Unzip the file GATEWAY ULTRA 3.7.2

Write the Launcher.dat file to the console's memory card (it should start with a capital letter). It is located in the GW_Ultra_4.2_BETA folder.

Insert the memory card into the console and turn it on.

Next, go to the console's browser and navigate to: (exactly as written, starting with http and ending with php).

Nintendo 3DS browser

After that, you will again enter the Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2 menu.

This exploit needs to be redone every time (after each console restart).

Ninjahax Exploit

If you have a new generation console: New Nintendo 3DS or New Nintendo 3DS XL (New Nintendo 2DS XL will most likely not work at all, as they were released later and most likely cannot be downgraded to older firmware), you will need another exploit called Ninjahax.

Copy the contents of the starter folder to the console's memory card. Add the Launcher.dat file there (with a capital letter!). This is what the root of the console's memory card should look like:

Nintendo 3DS memory card contents

Go to the 3DS folder and copy the GW folder there.

You should have the following file structure:

Nintendo 3DS memory card contents

Go to the website Select the console version (OLD/NEW) and enter your firmware version. Click Update QR code. A corresponding QR Code will appear.

Ninjahax Exploit QR-code

Insert the Ninja Cubic cartridge into the console and launch the game.

Ninja Cubic Ninjahax Exploit

Press A and enter the start menu.

Ninja Cubic Ninjahax Exploit

Select Create and press A.

Ninja Cubic Ninjahax Exploit

Select QR Code and press A.

Ninja Cubic Ninjahax Exploit

Select Scan QR Code and press A again. The camera will turn on, and you need to point it at the QR code displayed on your computer.

Ninja Cubic Ninjahax Exploit

After that, the *hax 2.8 beta window will appear:

Ninja Cubic Ninjahax Exploit

Here, the program asks if you want to install this exploit permanently on the cartridge. If you agree, you won't need to open the website and point the console at the QR Code next time; it will immediately load into the homebrew menu. Agree and press A.

When the exploit is installed in memory, you will be asked to press A again.

Finally, we enter the homebrew launcher menu.

Ninja Cubic Ninjahax Exploit

Select Gateway and press A.

Ninja Cubic Ninjahax Exploit

After that, we enter the Gateway flash cartridge menu.

To remove the exploit from the cartridge memory, hold down (and hold for a while) the buttons L + R + X + Y in the start menu. Then you will be prompted to delete the save, which will return the cartridge to its original state.

Ninja Cubic Ninjahax Exploit

Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2 Menu

Since we're talking about the Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2 menu, let's see what can be done there.

Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2

Boot Gateway Mode - this is essentially the main mode of operation for launching games from the flash cartridge. When you press this button, the modified emuNAND firmware is launched, which is altered to allow the red flash cartridge to work.

This mode can only be launched if the red flash cartridge is inserted.

Note that you need to create emuNAND first and only then press this button.

Boot Classic Mode - launches the clean emuNAND firmware without additional features. That is, the red flash cartridge will not be able to launch games. This mode is needed to launch original cartridges. Since we won't be updating the sysNAND firmware, we may have problems launching later games that require a higher firmware version. At the same time, launching emuNAND through Gateway Mode may result in a console ban from Nintendo. This is why Classic Mode exists. It launches emuNAND with a high firmware version but looks like a "clean" console.

Despite the menu saying that Classic Mode can be launched without the red flash cartridge – this is not true. This option only existed if your emuNAND was flashed to version 8.0. If emuNAND is higher than 8.0, the console will freeze with a black screen. Since we will be installing firmware 11.7 in emuNAND, launching this mode will only be possible if the red flash cartridge is inserted. However, after loading emuNAND, it can be removed and any other cartridge can be inserted.

Backup System Nand - creates a backup of the sysNAND image (the console's operating system) and writes it to the console's memory card. This image may be needed to restore the console if something goes wrong. Note - this image is unique for each console.

Backup 3DS Game Cartridge - creates a backup of the ROM image of a Nintendo 3DS game. It is written to the console's memory card.

Backup 3DS SaveGame - creates a backup of the save from the original cartridge.

Restore 3DS SaveGame - restores the save to the cartridge.

Diagnostic text - runs diagnostics on the red flash cartridge. Most likely, this function will not be useful to you, as no one will be able to help you or tell you what is wrong.

Format emuNAND - despite the strange name, this function creates emuNAND, which will be used to launch games.

Install NVRAM - intended for installing the DS profile vulnerability (MSET exploit) on consoles above version 4.5. I do not recommend doing this, as the exploit is installed directly into sysNAND. If you can install the exploit, it means you have already entered the Gateway menu, so there is no particular need for such an installation. However, if you have made a sysNAND backup, you can restore the console to its original state.

Downgrade Console - this button is intended to downgrade the console's firmware. It does not work on my European console.

Note that if this button (Downgrade Console) is highlighted in the menu, you can launch it by holding the Up button and pressing A. Then the NAND recovery menu will open (you can restore the backup we made using the Backup System Nand button).

GW FastBoot Installer - another strange function. If you have Luma installed, you can make the console boot directly into emuNAND when turned on. Only one question remains - why use the Gateway flash cartridge if Luma is already installed?

If you press Down + B in this menu, the console will turn off.

emuNAND and sysNAND

emuNAND and sysNAND are firmware images. Only emuNAND is launched from the memory card, while sysNAND is located in the console's memory. Since it is highly undesirable to make any changes to sysNAND, you need to first create a sysNAND image and save it to your computer (for safety and possible future restoration of the console if something goes wrong) and create emuNAND so that you can modify the firmware without affecting the console's system memory.

Let's start with sysNAND.

If you are not in the Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2 menu, go to settings and then press: Other Settings – Profile – Nintendo DS Profile.

Now scroll right to the BACKUP SYSTEM NAND menu.

Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2

Press A and then Start. The sysNAND backup process will begin. After the process is complete, turn off the console, remove the console's memory card, and save the resulting image to your computer (the Nand.bin file will be about 1GB in size).

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO KEEP THIS FILE SAFE AND SECURE! If you lose it and something happens to the console, it will be impossible to restore it.

Now you need to create the emuNAND image.

In the Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2 menu, scroll right to the FORMAT EMUNAND button.

Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2

Press A and then Start. After the process is complete, you're almost done.

Despite the strange name, this button will create the emuNAND image.

In essence, the name fully corresponds to the action. The emuNAND image is not a file that will be stored on the memory card. First, the console will format the free space (~1GB) on the memory card into the required format for the console, then it will write the emuNAND image there. If you later insert the memory card into the console, you will see that its total capacity has decreased by ~1GB.

Updating the Red Gateway Cartridge

The next step is to update the red Gateway cartridge. This step is optional. You may not need to do this.

Format the MicroSD memory card for the red Gateway cartridge.

Write some games to the memory card. Note that only Encrypted 3DS game images are supported. I wrote more about this and other formats in the article about Stargate 3DS.

Insert the memory card into the Gateway cartridge, and then the cartridge into the console.

Select the Boot Gateway Mode button. If the cartridge needs an update, you will be prompted to do so. Press Start to begin the process. After it's done, press A, and you will return to the Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2 menu.

After that, press Boot Gateway Mode again, and the console will boot into emuNAND. Go to the console's settings, and on the top screen, you should see the firmware version with GW3D written before it.

Nintendo 3DS Gateway mode

If this label is present, everything worked well, and the last step remains – updating emuNAND to the latest version.

Updating emuNAND

Despite all the madness described above, this cartridge is still relevant, because if, for example, you found a console with firmware 4.1-4.5, then by creating and upgrading emuNAND, you will have a quite up-to-date device.

The main problem is that you need to install a program with a cia extension. Yes, Gateway supports cia files, but not directly. That is, you cannot download such a file to the cartridge and make it work immediately. Such a program is installed in emuNAND and is located on the console's memory card.

1. Write the BigBlueMenu.3ds file (located in the BigBlueMenu folder of the GATEWAY ULTRA 3.7.2 BETA archive) to the red Gateway cartridge's memory card.

2. Write the sysUpdater.cia file (located in the BigBlueMenu – sysUpdater-0.4.3b folder) to the console's memory card.

3. Unzip the firmware upgrade file (in my case old3DS GW v11.7.0-40E.rar). There is a folder "updates (update!)" and just a folder "updates". Rename the second folder to any name (for example, updates(temp)), and the first one simply to updates. Copy the resulting updates folder to the console's memory card.

Now we are ready to upgrade the console.

WARNING! DO NOT UPGRADE SYSNAND UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! ONLY EMUNAND. To make sure you are in emuNAND, press the Select button. If a menu with games appears, you are in the right place.

Turn on the console and enter the Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2 menu.

Gateway 3DS ULTRA v4.2

Insert the red Gateway cartridge (if it's not already inserted) into the console and press Boot Gateway Mode.

When the console boots, press Select and launch the BigBlueMenu.3ds program. In this menu, this program is called Title Manager.

Gateway 3DS menu

Press Right to go to the SDMC (memory card) tab.

Gateway 3DS BigBlueMenu

Go to the Cia folder. Select the sysUpdater.cia file and install it.

Gateway 3DS BigBlueMenu

Press the Home button to return to the Nintendo 3DS menu. You should see the icon of the new program.

Launch sysUpdater and press the A button, and the installation process will begin.

Gateway 3DS sysUpdater

The console will reboot, and you will be able to play games. If you want to remove the sysUpdater program, do so from the 3DS settings.

Using the Cartridge

Using the cartridge is very simple. Just press the Select button and in the menu that opens, select the desired game and press the A button.

Gateway 3DS menu

Wait a little, and it will appear at the bottom, as if you had inserted an original game cartridge.

If you press the Up button in the flash cartridge menu (in the picture above), additional settings will appear:

Gateway 3DS menu

Language – the cartridge language.

Mode – the game loading method. If you select anything other than Gateway, the console will work in "original" mode.

Ingame menu button – select the key combination that will bring up the additional menu in the game:

Gateway 3DS menu

Cheat Finder, Configure Cheats, and Cheatlist Editor – are intended for using cheats in the game.

RAM Dumper – creates a dump of the console's RAM so you can see what is happening at a specific moment on the console.

Hex Editor – Hex editor.


When I wanted to launch this cartridge, I had no idea what it would turn into, how much time and effort would be wasted. I thought it was a completely outdated cartridge and that you couldn't play games with it, but it turned out that this is not the case at all.

I can't imagine who in their right mind would look for old consoles and do everything described above, but if you ever want to repeat my path, good luck :)