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IPS screens for Game Boy consoles. Which IPS screen to buy?

Hello friends!

In this article, we would like to tell you about IPS screens, where to buy them, and which screens to buy.

As you probably know, the first backlight in Game Boy consoles (not counting the Game Boy Light, which was released exclusively for the Japanese market) appeared in the Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001, and it was terrible. And only starting with the Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101, Nintendo consoles got an excellent backlight.

In 2021, playing on a console without a backlight is torture, but thanks to various companies, we now have the opportunity to install new IPS screens in old consoles.

Please note that different IPS screens from different companies are sold on AliExpress. But you should only buy screens from the company FunnyPlaying! Not only are they the highest quality of all available, but they are also full-sized!!!

Here we purchased an IPS screen and installed it on the left console. Just compare the size of the original console screen with the console with the IPS screen installed! The IPS screen is half the size.

Nintendo Pocket IPS screen

That's why we strongly advise you to buy screens from Funnyplaying, especially since this company is world-famous, and its products are very popular.

Is it worth buying an IPS screen for your console?

IPS screens have a very positive aspect. They have a backlight. And a bright one at that. And just for this reason alone, they are worth buying. Playing on old consoles in 2021 is very difficult precisely because of the lack of backlight.

The second positive aspect is the richness of colors. IPS screens are considered better in terms of color reproduction, although sometimes black may not seem as black (this is the main complaint about IPS screens regarding color reproduction), but for a small screen, this is not relevant.

Nintendo IPS screen

And the third plus is the number of pixels on the screen. Usually, IPS screens have an increased number of pixels on the screen (4 to 1 compared to the GBA SP AGS-101 screen). And because of this, the image looks smoother, while on old screens, the pixels are very noticeable, but this is a matter of taste, and you should choose what you like more.

Personally, we prefer the smoothed image (on the right):

Nintendo IPS screen

At the same time, for GB, GBP, and GBC consoles, you can enable pixel grid emulation to make the image look like on old screens.


Please note that you will definitely need some additional tools to install the new screen.

You will definitely need tri-wing screwdrivers and a soldering iron (since some screen models can change brightness). And to change the brightness using the console buttons (for example, by holding Select and pressing L or R to increase or decrease the brightness), you will need to solder a couple of wires.

In our article Catalog of tools for console repair, you will find cheap screwdrivers and soldering irons for disassembling the console.

In addition, in this selection, we recommend IPS screens with new cases. These cases are specially prepared for the installation of a new screen, and they do not have unnecessary parts.

If you want to install such a screen in your case, we strongly advise you to buy a set of pliers to remove all unnecessary plastic parts of the case:

Game Boy IPS screen

This screen is designed for the very first Game Boy DMG. In this kit, the screen is already installed on the board (that is, you are essentially replacing your Game Boy's board with the one that came in the kit).

It comes with a ready-made case. But if you want to install it in an old case, you will need to trim it. This IPS screen is slightly larger than the standard one and will require a new plastic overlay.

In addition, you will need to solder two wires to change the color palette of the game (a very cool feature) and enable pixel grid emulation (this is an emulation that makes the image on the screen pixelated, as if you have an original backlit screen).

A quick press on the contrast wheel changes its mode of operation (from increasing/decreasing brightness to changing the color palette), and a long press turns pixel grid emulation on/off.

Installation instructions.

Game Boy Pocket IPS screen

As the name suggests, this IPS screen is designed for the Game Boy Pocket console.

It also comes with a ready-made case. But if you want to install it in an old case, you will need to trim it. Unlike the DMG screen, it does not require a new plastic overlay.

In addition, you will need to solder two wires to change the color palette of the game (a very cool feature).

A quick press on the touch button (included in the kit and simply attached to the case) switches the palette, a medium press switches the color palette back, and a long press turns the pixel grid on or off. The contrast wheel is used to adjust the screen brightness.

Installation instructions.

Game Boy Color IPS screen

This is the latest model of the screen for the Game Boy Color, which already has a plastic overlay applied to the screen. There are pros and cons here. The biggest plus is that there is no free space between the screen and the overlay, so dust and fingerprints won't get in. In addition, it is easier to install than other IPS screens. Due to the new technology (with lamination), the screen is positioned closer to the top, which looks much better than a regular screen. The downside is that a regular case will not fit this screen. Therefore, we strongly recommend buying this screen with a case.

This screen has 5 modes of operation. They are switched by quickly pressing Start + Select. You can also move the image itself to center it precisely.

In this version, the backlight of the "Game Boy Color" inscription changes, and when you change the screen brightness, the backlight becomes brighter or dimmer.

Installation instructions.

Game Boy Advance IPS screen

Please note that this screen is suitable for both the 32-pin and 40-pin models of the Game Boy Advance.

To install this IPS screen, you will also need to do a lot of cutting, so it is better to buy a case ready for such a screen installation.

In addition, you will need to solder three wires to change the screen brightness using the console buttons (10 brightness levels).

Installation instructions.

Game Boy Advance SP IPS screen

Perhaps the most questionable screen in terms of the necessity of its installation. In the above consoles, there is no backlight at all, and for comfortable gaming (and eye preservation), installing a screen is a MUST-HAVE option. In this case, installing a screen for the AGS-001 version is a good option, but for the AGS-101 version, it is questionable (although, in our opinion, a smoother image without visible dots (pixels) greatly improves the graphics of the games).

It is suitable for both the AGS-001 and AGS-101 versions.

You will need to solder one wire to change the screen brightness.

Unfortunately, Funnyplaying does not sell this screen with a case, so you will either have to cut your case or buy a new case on Ali. At the same time, we strongly advise against buying a transparent case (unless it is specifically designed for the IPS screen), because you will have to cut the top edge of the case, and it will be visible.

Installation instructions.