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How to replace the shell on a Game Boy Advance SP?

So, you bought a shell on AliExpress or eBay and now you plan to replace it.

Actually, the shell you bought does not come with hinges, so you will have to use the ones from your old Game Boy Advance SP. Also, from your old Game Boy Advance SP, you will need: the screen, motherboard, and battery. As you understand, without these parts, you won't be able to replace the shell, but I think you already guessed that.

To start replacing the shell on the Game Boy Advance SP, you should completely disassemble it. You can learn how to properly disassemble the Game Boy Advance SP in the article: How to properly disassemble a Game Boy Advance SP?

After you have done everything described in the article about disassembling the Game Boy Advance SP, you can proceed to assemble the device with the new shell.

Where to buy?

For example, on AliExpress:

You can find other shell options in our article: Shells for GBA SP

Find out what tools you need and where to buy them in our article: Catalog of tools for console repair.


Assembling the hinges

Step 1.

Put the plastic covers on the hinges. You can't go wrong, there are special slots.

Take the part of the shell with the button holes and the part of the shell from the screen.

That is, everything in this photo:

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 2.

Completely close the two halves of the console (as if the console is in the closed position). And slightly insert the hinges (all the way). Do not try to force them in.

Step 3.

Open the console to a position as if you are playing. And insert the hinges all the way.

The hinges insert very easily, just a slight force until you hear a click, which means the hinges are in place.

Watch a short video:

Assembling the top part of the Game Boy Advance SP (the part with the screen)

Step 4.

Take the bottom part of the screen and the screen itself:

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Simply place the screen on the part of the shell, the screen will fit into its designated place.

Step 5.

Now take the part of the shell that we got from the hinges and the part of the shell with the screen from step 4 and thread the screen ribbon through the special hole.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 6.

Tighten 5 screws to secure both parts of the shell and the screen.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 7.

Insert the rubber pads over the 5 screws.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

On the original Game Boy Advance SP, they are glued, but in the new shell, I don't glue them, they hold well enough as they are.

Step 8.

Take the ribbon cover and the top part of the shell with the screen:

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 9.

Screw the cover with a screw.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Assembling the part with buttons and the motherboard.

Step 10.

Place the buttons in their place (you can't mix them up, they have special notches and only start and select are the same). Place the speaker protective fabric in its place.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 11.

Install the rubber pads and the speaker in their place.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 12.

Connect the motherboard to the ribbon and secure the ribbon with the latches.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 13.

Tighten one screw, as shown in the photo:

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Now is the time to put the back part of the shell in place, insert the battery, and check that everything works.

Check that:

  1. The screen works (which means we inserted the ribbon correctly).
  2. The sound works (if the sound is gone, slightly bend the speaker tabs towards you)
  3. The buttons press well (which means all the rubber pads are in place)

If everything works as it should, then proceed further; if something doesn't work, fix it.

Step 14.

Remove the back part of the shell after checking and tighten the remaining two screws.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 15.

Before installing the back part of the shell, check that the small metal square, to which the battery cover screw attaches, has not fallen out.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 16.

Install the back part of the shell and tighten the two screws marked in red.

At this stage, I recommend checking the functionality of all buttons, sound, and screen again. After that, tighten the remaining 4 screws marked in yellow.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 17.

Install the battery, tighten the battery cover screw, and stick the sticker.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

Step 18.

Stick the logo in its place.

new shell gba sp / installing a new shell on gba sp

That's it, you have a new shell.