Table of Contents
PassKey 2
PassKey 2 is a commercial variant of PassMe for Nintendo DS. All these devices were originally designed to run homebrew applications. However, over time, pirates learned to run original ROM images and began releasing "commercial" variants of PassMe.
PassKey 2, as the name suggests, is the second version of the device, which works using the PassMe 2 technology. By 2005, about 6 months later, Nintendo changed the Nintendo DS firmware to block the first versions of PassMe. However, since the changes only affected the firmware, there were still many vulnerabilities, which the homebrew community exploited by releasing PassMe 2.
You can read more about the development history of these devices in the articles: «PassMe» and «PassMe 2».
Package Contents
PassKey 2 comes in a stylish black box.
The package includes:
1. PassKey 2;
2. Update device.
It's important to note that all PassMe devices did not work on their own. They required an original game cartridge: for PassMe - any cartridge, and for PassMe2 - a specific one.
Additionally, a compatible flash cartridge for Game Boy Advance was needed.
Although PassKey 2 worked with many flash cartridges, it was specifically designed for M3/G6 flash cartridges. For example, for this one:
It might seem that the label "for NDS & GBA(SP)" means that it will simply run on these consoles, but no! On Game Boy Advance, it will work as a regular flash cartridge for GBA games, but on Nintendo DS, it can even run NDS games (with the help of PassKey 2).
Download the archive: KEY2-V4b.
There are two folders inside:
Manual – two manuals (in Chinese and English);
Passkey2 – the folder contains three files needed for the device to work.
Unzip the archive and download the files K2_HW04.gba, K2_RAM04.gba, and sram.dat to the flash cartridge. For this, you need to use special software from the GBA flash cartridge! In the case of G6, this is G6 U-DISK Manager. Note that the files K2_HW04.gba and K2_RAM04.gba can be placed anywhere, but sram.dat must be in the root of the memory card.
Run the GBA flash cartridge as usual (without inserting PassKey 2 into the console). Run K2_HW04.gba. The following menu will open:
Switch PassKey (the lever on the device itself) to Passkey 2 mode.
PassKey 2 has a built-in mode switch:
Passkey 1 mode works out of the box (on Nintendo DS firmware versions 1-3). That is, it does not require any setup. However, Passkey 2 requires preliminary setup.
Insert PassKey 2 into the update adapter and insert this entire structure into the GBA slot of the Nintendo DS.
Press Select
You will be prompted to update PassKey 2.
Press Select
again: the update process will begin.
After completion, a message will appear indicating that PassKey 2 has been updated and you can restart the console.
Restart the console and enter the second application K2_RAM04.gba.
You need to select the code of the original cartridge you have. For example, I will use the game Metroid Prime Hunters. Its code is AMFE.
Scroll through the menu to the corresponding label.
Move the cursor to AMFE and press А
. A menu will appear.
Press А
again. A menu will appear asking if you want to overwrite the Sram.dat file.
Press А
again. A message will appear indicating that everything is OK.
The error "Sram.dat Error!" means that you did not write this file to the flash cartridge.
Write the game to the flash cartridge using its software. If the flash cartridge is old, you need to remove the GBA Loader (the menu you enter when loading the flash cartridge). If you are using G6, write Nintendo DS games using the NDS tab in the G6 U-DISK Manager program.
After writing the games, insert the Game Boy Advance cartridge into Slot-2, and insert PassKey 2 with the original Nintendo DS cartridge into Slot-1, which you programmed this device for.
You will enter the Nintendo DS menu of G6 Flash and will be able to run all the written Nintendo DS games.