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Game Boy Advance SP Limited Editions from Pokemon Center Japan

If Pokemon Centers have practically died out around the world, in Japan they are alive and well.

Pokemon Center Tokyo

Learn more about Pokemon Centers in the article: «Pokemon Center New York».

Japanese Pokemon Centers released slightly more consoles than Pokemon Center New York. A total of 7 were released:

Pokemon Center Tokyo GBA SP

Game Boy Advance SP Torchic

Game Boy Advance SP Torchic

This version of the Game Boy Advance SP was released on April 25, 2003, to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Pokemon Centers.

The strangest console. The Pokemon is drawn in such a way that it is simply not visible.

See more photos of the Game Boy Advance SP Torchic in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Torchic».

Game Boy Advance SP Groudon

Game Boy Advance SP Groudon

This version was supposed to be released only in Europe, but it was also released in Japan. To get this console, you had to place a pre-order at Pokemon Center Mobile from December 1 to December 8.

Each console came with a carrying case and a top cover.

See more photos of the Game Boy Advance SP Groudon in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Groudon».

Game Boy Advance SP Kyogre

Game Boy Advance SP Kyogre

This version was also supposed to be released only in Europe, but it was also released in Japan. To get this console, you had to place a pre-order at Pokemon Center Mobile from December 1 to December 8.

Each console came with a carrying case and a top cover.

See more photos of the Game Boy Advance SP Kyogre in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Kyogre».

Game Boy Advance SP Charizard

Game Boy Advance SP Charizard

This console was released on February 27, 2004, to celebrate the release of Pokemon FireRed. To get it, you had to place a pre-order at Pokemon Center Online or Pokemon Center Mobile from February 7 to February 13, 2004.

See more photos of the Game Boy Advance SP Charizard in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Charizard».

Game Boy Advance SP Venusaur

Game Boy Advance SP Venusaur

This console was released on February 27, 2004, to celebrate the release of Pokemon LeafGreen. To get it, you also had to place a pre-order at Pokemon Center Online and Pokemon Center Mobile from February 7 to February 13, 2004.

See more photos of the Game Boy Advance SP Venusaur in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Venusaur».

Game Boy Advance SP Raquaza

Game Boy Advance SP Raquaza

This console was released on September 16, 2004, to celebrate the release of Pokemon Emerald. To get it, you had to place a pre-order at Pokemon Center Online and Pokemon Center Mobile from August 16 to September 10, 2004.

See more photos of the Game Boy Advance SP Raquaza in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Raquaza».

Game Boy Advance SP Pikachu

Game Boy Advance SP Pikachu

This console was released on March 5, 2005.

See more photos of the Game Boy Advance SP Pikachu in our article: «Photos of Game Boy Advance SP Pikachu».