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Game Boy Advance SP - How to distinguish original from fake?

To buy an original Game Boy Advance SP, you need to know how it differs from fakes.

No matter what kind of clone Game Boy Advance SP you get, it will generally work poorly.

Most Chinese fakes are of low quality, so the original can be distinguished from fakes by eye.

We will not consider consoles like GameBox or DVTech, which are clearly fakes (different logo or case). We will consider a version that completely copies the original Game Boy Advance SP.

Fakes and clones of Game Boy Advance SP

For example, let's take an original Game Boy Advance SP and its fake:

Original Game Boy Advance SP and fake

At first glance, there is no difference. They are the same size, have the same connectors, and even the same inscriptions. However, as they say, the devil is in the details. For clarity, the gray one is the fake, and the pink one is the original.

Video Review


The first thing to pay attention to is the inscriptions. On the original Game Boy Advance SP, they are beautiful and even, while on the fake, they are crooked.
Let's take a closer look:

Original Game Boy Advance SP and fake, comparison of differences

Let's pay attention to some details:

Original Game Boy Advance SP and fake, comparison of differences

The white stripe (1,2) shows that the level of the letters is not the same; on the fake, the letter O is higher than the other letters, while on the original, all letters are the same.
Red circles (3,4) are drawn on each picture; they are the same, and it is clear that on the fake Game Boy Advance SP, the letters are different in width, while on the original, they are the same.

Now let's look at the inscription on the back:

Original Game Boy Advance SP and fake, comparison of differences

Original Game Boy Advance SP and fake, comparison of differences

The inscriptions on the back of the console at the bottom are completely duplicated. But on the fake, they are much larger in size. On the original Game Boy Advance SP, the inscription is small and neat.

This inscription is essentially a signature for the connectors. On the original Game Boy Advance SP, the arrows are centered on the connector, while on the fake, they are shifted to the edge of the connector.


Let's move on to the label on the back of the case.

Fake Game Boy Advance SP label

Such a label by itself does not mean anything, because it is copied from the original. However, for some reason, most fakes come with this label. If you see it, it is at least a reason to think and check other signs of a fake.

You can tell if it's a fake by the label! This is especially relevant if you buy a Game Boy Advance SP online. For more information on labels, barcodes, and fake labels, see the article: «Game Boy Advance SP Labels»

Built-in Games

There are no and cannot be any built-in games on the original Game Boy Advance SP. Therefore, if you see built-in games on a GBA SP, it is 100% fake. This is the only 100% sign by which you can distinguish an original Game Boy Advance SP from a fake; all other signs may vary depending on the skill of those who counterfeit the consoles.

Fake Game Boy Advance SP built-in games

This is what the main menu looks like when loading a fake.


Fakes often have different connectors. For example: mini USB or just USB. Therefore, if you see something like this, it is definitely a fake.

Fake Game Boy Advance SP mini USB port

Let's look at the original connectors and switches from all sides. They should look exactly like this:

Original Game Boy Advance SP side view

Original Game Boy Advance SP back view

Original Game Boy Advance SP side view

Original Game Boy Advance SP front view

Do flash cartridges work on fakes?

The answer is no. They do not work. Fakes run on emulators and simply do not understand what a flash cartridge is. At the same time, they work on originals.

Flash cartridges

UPD. This is not a very reliable sign. Various clones work differently with flash cartridges.

Do Game Boy and Game Boy Color cartridges work on fakes?

The answer is no. They do not work.

Game Boy and Game Boy Color cartridges

UPD. Whether a GBA SP can run GB and GBC games can be determined by its appearance. For more details, see the article: «The most important sign that distinguishes a fake Game Boy Advance SP from an original».

What is IQUE Game Boy Advance SP?
Is it original or fake?

iQue, Ltd. is a subsidiary of Nintendo that produces consoles for the Chinese market. Here's what Wikipedia says about the IQue Game Boy Advance SP: "The iQue Game Boy SP is the Chinese version of the Game Boy Advance SP. It is the same as a regular Game Boy Advance SP but has an "iQue" logo on the top of the casing instead of "Nintendo" like the product for the worldwide market". It says that the only difference between these two consoles is the sticker with the logo. By the way, that's exactly how it is, let's compare three pictures:

Game Boy Advance SP comparison of fake and original boards

It is clear that the two consoles, the Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP and the IQue Game Boy Advance SP, are identical, while the third one is different.

On the Russian market, the IQue Game Boy Advance SP version is more common than the classic Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP. Don't be afraid of it: they are identical.

There is also a whole series of articles about the iQue company and its consoles on the website:

History of Nintendo in China - the iQue company

History of Nintendo in China - the iQue company. Part 2. iQue SP

History of Nintendo in China - the iQue company. Part 3. iQue DS

History of Nintendo in China - the iQue company. Part 4. iQue Micro, AGS-101, iDSL

History of Nintendo in China – the iQue company. Part 5. Company problems and iQue Wii

We have iQue consoles in our collection, you can see them in this video:

This is not a very well-known fact, but the iQue company released not only the Game Boy Advance AGS-101, but also the first Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001!

The main thing is not to confuse iQue with a fake !QU, these are different things.
!qu fake
!qu fake


To distinguish a fake Game Boy Advance SP from an original, you need to look at everything comprehensively. From the fake shown above, it is immediately clear that it is not original. If you turn it on, the startup animation starts to lag. Then a list of loaded games appears, and it immediately becomes clear that it is a cheap clone.

Therefore, the first step: turn on the console and see what happens. The console startup should stop at this picture (original on the left, fake on the right):

Fake Game Boy Advance SP built-in games

After this picture, nothing should happen. Without a cartridge, the console can't do anything.

The second step is to look at the ports: are there any USB or other unaccounted ports (e.g., AUX).

The third step is to look at the logos.

And if you have a Flash cartridge, launch it.

If all the points match, then it is original. If at least one of the points does not match, then it is a fake.

Good luck! :)