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Nintendo DS Firmware

Nintendo DS firmware is a program stored on a 256 KB flash memory chip inside every Nintendo DS.

In fact, when you turn on the console, that very "firmware" or interactive shell is loaded.

Nintendo DS Interactive Shell

Usually, when people talk about firmware, they are referring to either an official system update or making changes to it, for example, to allow homemade or pirated programs to run, that is, to reflash it.

Unlike the DSi and 3DS, the Nintendo DS does not have a memory card slot, so there is not much point in changing the firmware: you will still have to use a flash cartridge. But this is relevant for 2023: today there are many ready-made flash cartridges. But back in 2005, the Nintendo DS was reflashed so that there was no need to constantly use PassMe or WiFiMe.

But Nintendo also did not sit still, and in later versions of the Nintendo DS console, the loopholes used by PassMe were closed.

Why flash Nintendo DS / DS Lite?
This is mainly needed to enable 4 brightness modes (only on Nintendo DS) and remove the health screen (on both versions of the console). Read more about the possibility of flashing Nintendo DS in the article about «FlashMe».

How to check the firmware version?

Around 2006, Lynx found a way to check the firmware version of the Nintendo DS.

1. Insert an original Nintendo DS cartridge into SLOT-1 or an original Game Boy Advance cartridge into SLOT-2 of your Nintendo DS;

2. Turn on the DS (hold Select+Start if auto-start is enabled in your settings);

3. Enter Pictochat;

Nintendo DS Interactive Shell

4. Enter any chat;

Nintendo DS Interactive Shell

You will enter this menu:

Nintendo DS Interactive Shell

5. While in the menu (in the picture above), remove the cartridge from the DS. Don't worry, nothing will happen to the cartridge or the console. The screens will turn some color.

Nintendo DS Interactive Shell

Depending on the color:

v1: if Pictochat freezes;

v2: if two gray-blue screens;

v3: if two dark green screens;

v4: if two golden-yellow screens;

v5: if two purple screens (this color will also be on DS lite);

v6: if two dark blue screens (this color is on new DS);

iQue: two dark green screens.