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EZ Flash Junior

In December 2019, the EZ Flash Junior cartridge model was released. EZ Flash Junior is a Flash cartridge.

Essentially, a Flash cartridge is like a hard drive for Game Boy Advance, and just like a hard drive on a computer, it can be used for piracy or regular work. You can write pirated games to the Flash cartridge (if you download the game's ROM file from the internet), or you can use the Flash cartridge for other purposes, such as downloading open ROM files or simply uploading your own program. That is, using the Flash cartridge as a development tool.

But remember, all responsibility for these actions lies with you!

Let's take a closer look:

EZ Flash Junior

Where to Buy?

What Else Do We Need to Buy?

Out of the box, the Ez Flash Junior cartridge comes bare. To use this cartridge normally in Gameboy consoles, you need to purchase a few more things:

1. A Micro SD memory card. This can be a Micro SDHC memory card (the official website states that the memory card must be between 4 and 32 GB)

2. A memory card reader. (To write games from the computer to the memory card). Of course, this is not for piracy purposes (we strictly oppose this! And condemn such behavior), but solely for informational purposes.

All of this needs to be purchased separately. And after you have the cartridge itself, the memory card, and the card reader, you can proceed further.

In What Format Should the Memory Card Be Formatted?

The memory card must be formatted in FAT32

How to Prepare EZ Flash Junior for Use?

So, we insert the memory card into the cartridge, then the cartridge into your Game Boy Advance SP, turn it on, and we get... nowhere:

EZ Flash Junior Menu

On the first launch of this cartridge, an error pops up: ezgb.dat file not found, please download it from the website

Okay, go to the page

Download EZ Flash Junior Firmware

Look for the line Kernel 1.03 and Firmware 3.0 and click the DOWNLOAD button (underlined in red in the screenshot)

Look for the line Kernel 1.04 and Firmware 4 and click the DOWNLOAD button (underlined in red in the screenshot)

After downloading the archive, we need two files: ezgb.dat and

Next, we copy these two files to the root of the memory card, then insert the memory card into the cartridge, the cartridge into the console, and turn on the console.

A window appears: Micro SD initial OK! Backup Save, press gbasp a button.

EZ Flash Junior Menu

And finally, the cartridge loads.

But that's not all, as you remember, we wrote two files, ezgb.dat (this is the kernel, without which the cartridge will not work) and (this is the firmware update for the cartridge).

Before reading further, please read this article, about all the consequences of flashing!!! You must fully understand all the consequences of your actions!

Do not forget to plug the console into the outlet so that it does not turn off during the update.
Do not turn off the console until the update is complete!

EZ Flash Junior Menu Update

Select the file and press gbasp a button.

A menu appears where you need to press the gbasp a button button to confirm that we agree to update:

EZ Flash Junior Menu Update

There are two possible scenarios here: if you are installing an old update, for example 1.3, the update process looks very scary, with extra windows appearing at the bottom, they start flashing, and it's unclear what's happening:

EZ Flash Junior Menu Update

This is normal. Do not turn off the console and do not do anything (the update takes about 2-3 minutes). After the update is complete, the following menu will appear:

EZ Flash Junior Menu Update

It says that the Update is complete, turn off the console. Turn off the console, turn it on again, and everything is set up and working.

If you are installing update 1.4, everything looks civilized and as it should be:

EZ Flash Junior Menu Update

Do not turn off the console and do not do anything (the update takes about 2-3 minutes). After the update is complete, the following menu will appear:

EZ Flash Junior Menu Update

It says that the Update is complete, turn off the console. Turn off the console, turn it on again, and everything is set up and working.

How to Use the EZ Flash Junior Cartridge?

So, after preparing the cartridge for use, you can use it fully.

To select a game, use the up and down arrows to choose the desired game and press gbasp a button.

The second way to select a game is to press the gbasp start button button, you can load the last game you played.

EZ Flash Junior Menu

By pressing the gbasp select button button, you can navigate through the cartridge menu.

The second tab in the menu is Set. Here you can set the real time and enable the Auto Save function (if you disable this function, after restarting the console, you will need to confirm the Backup save. Accordingly, if you enable this function, saves will automatically be written to the memory card).

EZ Flash Junior Menu

The third tab in the menu is Help. This is a mostly useless (at the moment) tab, except that you can check the firmware version of the cartridge here.

EZ Flash Junior Menu

Can I Run Gameboy Advance Games?

No, you cannot.

How to Save in the Game?

To save, you need to wait until you reach a checkpoint in the game (where the game automatically saves) or a save point, or you press the save button yourself (if the game supports saves), and then either press the button on the cartridge itself (press the protrusion on the front cover of the cartridge) and then the console will restart and you will need to confirm the Backup save, or simply turn off and on the console and confirm the Backup save.

How to Exit the Game?

Unfortunately, at the moment, the game does not support Soft Reset.

Friends, that's all for now! The guide will be updated. The cartridge is still (as of February 1, 2020) a bit raw, the menu works slowly, there are no cheats, no real-time saves. Maybe later it will appear.

On 03/20/2020, the 4th version of the firmware for this cartridge was released, and everything started working much faster and better. There are still no real-time saves, still no soft exit from the game, but everything is much better. Check it out! :)