Table of Contents
EZ-FLASH Omega is a flash cartridge for the Game Boy Advance console.
The conceptual difference between a flash cartridge and a regular one is the presence of special memory that can be rewritten. You can write any program or game to it. Such cartridges are used both by game developers (for testing) and by individuals (usually for piracy).
Using an analogy, we can say that a regular cartridge is a CD disc, which can only be written to once. Whereas a flash cartridge is a memory card for the console, which can be rewritten and used multiple times.
EZ-FLASH Omega is the sixth generation of cartridges from Ez Flash.
Ez Flash
Omega in a blue case.
By the way, this blue case (and cases of other colors) was sent to me by the cartridge developers for writing this guide.
On which consoles can EZ-FLASH Omega be launched?
EZ-FLASH Omega is compatible with the following consoles:
1. Game Boy Advance;
2. Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001;
3. Game Boy Micro;
4. Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101;
5. Nintendo DS;
6. Nintendo DS Lite;
EZ-FLASH Omega Video Review
Check out our video review of this cartridge! We tried to visually show you all the advantages of this cartridge ;)
Package Contents
The cartridge came in a nice black box.
The package included:
1. The cartridge itself;
2. A plastic cover.
This plastic cover was needed to reduce the size of the cartridge. With it, it doesn't stick out of the Nintendo DS Lite.
Please note! On the internet, you can see three different boxes for EZ-FLASH Omega. Initially, they had the following inscriptions: Micro SD HC, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite. Later, half of them were removed, and only Micro SD HC remained. As of 2022, the box sold on AliExpress has no inscriptions at the bottom.
I checked with the developer - these are not counterfeit cartridges. They removed all these inscriptions due to copyright issues.
Where to Buy EZ-FLASH Omega?
In early 2020, a new cartridge, EZ-FLASH Definitive Edition, was released. It is a continuation of EZ-FLASH Omega (and much better in terms of features: vibration, energy saving, etc.).
You can read more about this cartridge in the article: EZ-FLASH Definitive Edition
What else do we need to purchase?
The EZ-FLASH Omega cartridge comes with a replaceable case for the Nintendo DS Lite (so it doesn't stick out of the case). However, for normal use of this cartridge on the Gameboy Advance SP, you need to purchase a few more things:
1. Micro SD Memory Card. This can be a Micro SDHC memory card (up to 128 GB)
What format should the memory card be formatted in?
Memory card size ≤ 32 GB -> FAT32 -> 32KB
Memory card size ≤ 128 GB -> exFAT -> 32KB or larger
2. Memory Card Reader. It is needed to write games from the computer to the memory card. Of course - this is not for piracy purposes.
All this needs to be purchased separately. And after you have the cartridge itself, the memory card, and the card reader, you can proceed further.
How to Use the EZ-FLASH Omega Cartridge?
To play games, you will need ROM images of games (or applications) with the ".rom" extension, which can be found on the internet.
After that, you need to write them to the root of the memory card or create a folder (or multiple folders) and write the ROM images into them. EZ-FLASH Omega can recognize folders and display their contents.
After we have written the necessary ROM images to the memory card, insert the memory card into the cartridge, then the cartridge into the Game Boy Advance SP, turn it on, and we get to this menu:
This is the start screen, and it shows all our folders and games. From here, we launch games, delete files, and so on.
To navigate through the menu, you need to press the buttons and
The next menu shows games written to NOR memory. This is just a list of games; you can launch them or clear the NOR memory.
The next menu is the settings.
There are many settings, so let's go through them:
Time – set the time.
Addon – when launching games, you can launch them in addon mode. There are 4 addons:
Reset – the ability to exit the game without restarting the console.
SaveState – allows real-time saving. If you activate this feature, by pressing a certain key combination, you will get a menu with three options (Reset, Save, and Load).
If you don't enable this feature, when you press the key combination to exit the game, this option will not be available. You will immediately return to the main screen.
Sleep – the ability to turn off the screen and put the game into sleep mode (useful for short breaks, to take a 10+ minute break).
Cheat – the ability to enter cheat codes.
Language – choose between English and Chinese.
Engine – under normal circumstances, this option should be enabled. It speeds up game loading. Disable it if you have a custom or heavily modified game.
Sleep Key – change the key combination to go to sleep.
Menu key – change the key combination to exit the game (quick save).

Game RTC – for games with real-time clocks (e.g., Pokémon). You can disable it if you don't play such games.
The last menu contains a list of key combinations for the EZ-FLASH Omega cartridge (essentially a mini-instruction manual).
The flash cartridge can also display game cover images (thumbnails).
To do this, you need to download the IMGS folder from the developer's website, unzip it, and copy it to the root of the memory card.
If the images still don't appear (after copying to the root of the memory card), press to make them appear.
How to Launch Games?
Games can be launched in two ways:
1. Go to the first menu screen (if the games are in a folder, enter the folder), select the game, press the button, and a submenu will open:
Clean boot – launch the game without addons. Use this if the game doesn't start in Boot with Addon mode. This is needed for games that break when modified with addons.
Boot with addon – launch the game with addons, as discussed above (exit from the game, cheat codes, real-time saves, sleep mode).
Write to NOR clean – write the game to NOR memory without addons.
Write to NOR addon – write the game to NOR memory with addons.
Save type < auto > - select the game save mode. In 99.9% of cases, it will be set to auto, and only in the case of heavily modified games (e.g., translated games) or custom games, you need to set a specific save mode.
Next, choose one of these 5 options and press .
In which mode should you launch the game? It depends on you. If you frequently play one game and it supports addons, it's easiest to write it to NOR memory (with addons). Then, to launch the game, you simply switch to the second screen and launch it immediately, without needing to choose the option each time.
To delete games from NOR memory, go to the second menu screen and press - a menu will appear:
Direct Boot – launch the game.
Delete – delete the game from memory.
Format All – clear all games from NOR memory.
Can you launch anything other than Game Boy Advance games?
Yes, unlike the previous model of the cartridge, EZ-FLASH Omega can launch NES games, as well as GB and GBC games. Simply download the ROM image of the game, write it to the cartridge, and launch it. No additional installation is needed.
EZ-FLASH Omega and Russian ROMs.
Back in the day, when the Game Boy Advance console could be bought new in stores, pirates (or in some cases fan groups) released many games with translations. On the internet, you can find collections of such ROM images for all famous games.
EZ-FLASH Omega can launch such games, just like ROM images dumped from original cartridges. But there are two problems:
1. The Real Time Save function may glitch in such games (the sound may stop until you reach the next level, or the save may not load at all).
2. EZ-FLASH Omega may not understand what type of save is used in a modified ROM image. In this case, when launching the game, you need to select a specific save type in the SAVE TYPE line.
What is NOR memory and why is it needed?
This cartridge has two types of memory: PSRAM (256 Mbit or 32 MB) and NOR (512 Mbit or 64 MB).
Both chips are designed for launching games. What's the difference between them?
RAM memory is faster but consumes more power. On the other hand, ROM memory (NOR is a type of ROM memory, and there is also NAND memory) is slightly slower but more energy-efficient.
Additionally, RAM memory requires constant power to store data, so it is cleared every time the device is turned off. ROM memory, on the other hand, does not require constant power to store data.
On earlier versions of this cartridge, such as the EZ Flash IV, RAM memory was only 16 MB, and NOR memory was 32 MB. Since games ranged from 4 to 32 megabytes in size, depending on the size, you had to write the game either to NOR memory (for large games of 32 MB) or to RAM memory (for all other, smaller games).
On the EZ-FLASH Omega cartridge, PSRAM memory is 32 MB. Therefore, even heavy games can be launched without NOR memory. Thus, the distinction between the two types of memory is blurred.
Returning to our original question, why is NOR memory needed? We can draw the following conclusions:
1. Although the initial loading of a game into NOR memory is much slower than into PSRAM memory (since the game is also automatically patched during loading, which can take a while), subsequent loads using NOR memory are faster. This is because the game is already written to NOR memory and is not erased every time the device is turned off. In PSRAM, the game is written anew each time. For heavy games, the loading time (not the initial one) from NOR memory is faster by about 5-6 seconds.
2. NOR consumes less power, so the device should last longer. The word "should" is used here because this requires additional testing. The gain might be minimal, but overall, it should last longer.
3. Considering that NOR memory is the same type of memory as on original cartridges, writing a game to NOR memory should result in greater compatibility (i.e., more games should launch from NOR memory than from PSRAM memory).
Now for the downsides:
1. The NOR memory capacity is only 64 MB. You can't write many games to it (you can't even fit two 32 MB games, but any combination of games up to 64 MB will fit).
2. The initial write to NOR memory is excruciatingly slow.
3. You can only delete the last written game from NOR memory (either sequentially, starting from the last, or by formatting the entire NOR memory).
In summary, the pros and cons:
+ slightly less power consumption
+ greater compatibility with games
- can't fit two 32 MB games
- initial write is slow
- deleting games from NOR memory
In conclusion: it makes sense to write a heavy (32 MB) game to NOR memory if you plan to play it for a long time. This is especially useful if you have issues with the game or if you have disabled the Fast Patch Engine for some reason.
How to Exit the Game?
1. Turn the console off and on.
2. To return to the main menu without turning off the console, press +
and select the Reset option. This works
only if the game was launched in Boot with Addon mode.
How to Save in the Game?
Apparently, the developer has abandoned fixing this issue and advises simply turning off the cheat function before saving. Meh…
The EZ-FLASH Omega cartridge uses a new saving technology. Saves are written directly to the Micro SD memory card. On the one hand, this is extremely convenient - the save is not written to SRAM memory, so after turning off the console, the SRAM memory is not reset (it is volatile). However, this has led to some additional problems: it takes time (~5 seconds) for the save to be written to the memory card. If you turn off the console immediately, you will corrupt your save and only find out the next time you play. You will be very surprised that your save doesn't work.
To prevent save file corruption, never exit the game or turn off the console immediately after saving. Wait 5 seconds! Only then exit the game or turn off the console.
This situation applies to all types of saves:
1. Regular in-game saves.
2. Real Time saves.
3. Saves in the emulator.
There are two types of saves:
1. Real Time Save. You can save at any time and in any place. Press +
and a menu will appear where you need to select SAVE (or LOAD if you want to load the game).
2. Normal Save. Normal saves are saves made in the same way as if you were using a regular licensed cartridge.
Saves on the EZ-FLASH Omega cartridge are made automatically. To save in the game, you need to:
1. Wait until you reach a checkpoint in the game (where the game automatically saves);
2. Press the save button yourself (if the game supports saving).
In all cases, you need to wait five seconds.
Why is there a battery in the EZ-FLASH Omega?
On some original Game Boy Advance cartridges (and there are very few of them), a battery was installed to power the SRAM memory. This memory was responsible for storing your saves. In rare cases, it was needed for the RTC (Real Time Clock - real-time clock), for example, it was installed on Pokémon cartridges.
In the EZ-FLASH Omega cartridge, the battery is used exclusively to power the RTC.
What to do if you've already exited and corrupted your save?
error code
1. Game rom error
2. Saver folder error
3. Save file error
4. Create file error
To fix everything, follow these steps:
1. Back up all your files.
2. Download the Panasonic SD formatter program.
3. Format the memory card.
4. Write everything back, except for the corrupted saves!
5. And start waiting 5 seconds after each save :) And don't use cheats ;)
Before reading further, please read this article. You must fully understand the consequences of your actions!
For some reason, your cartridge may not have the latest firmware.
As of March 2020, the latest firmware is 1.06.
To update the cartridge firmware, download the firmware archive from the official website
Then unzip it and move the ezkernel.bin file to the root of the memory card.
On June 9, 2020, firmware version 1.07 was released.
To update the cartridge firmware, download the firmware archive from the official website
Then unzip it and move the ezkernel.bin file to the root of the memory card.
On August 24, 2021, firmware version 1.09 was released.
To update the cartridge firmware, download the firmware archive from the official website
Then unzip it and move the ezkernel.bin file to the root of the memory card.
After that, turn on the console and hold the button.
A window will appear, and the firmware installation process will start automatically!
After the firmware is installed, the console will boot up on its own; no further action is needed!
On February 10, 2020, a user named Sterophonick released their own custom firmware for the cartridge, called SimplyLight.
I can't say that I like the design of this firmware more than the standard one, but it has a number of significant advantages:
After the release of the new version, the design has improved significantly, while retaining all the advantages:
1. A System folder has been created (all system folders RTS, SAVER, IMGS, CHEAT, PATCH have been moved into it);
2. A large number of plugins have been added to the firmware:
The ModPlayer plugin (.mod)
The JPEG plugin (.jpg .jpeg)
The BMP plugin (.bmp)
SMSAdvance (.sms .gg .sg)
ZXAdvance (.z80 .sna)
PCEAdvance (.pce)
SwanAdvance (.ws .wsc)
MSXAdvance (.rom)
Wasabi (.sv)
NGPAdvance (.ngp .ngc .ngpc);
3. Two themes have been added: a dark theme and a light theme.
The firmware looks like this:
To install it, download the archive from this page and unzip it.
There will be 5 files:
The Demo
folder – contains demo files. Simply copy the folder to the memory card and play around with the files.
The System
folder – shows you how to arrange the system folders on the memory card. That is, if you have folders like RTS, SAVER, IMGS, CHEAT, and PATCH on your memory card, copy them into the SYSTEM folder (on the memory card, of course). Also, this folder contains the PLUG folder (it must be moved to the SYSTEM folder on the memory card).
file – this file explains how to update the system and what changes will occur.
The ezkernel-dark.bin
file – the dark theme firmware file.
The ezkernel-light.bin
file – the light theme firmware file.
How to install the firmware:
1. Create a SYSTEM folder on the memory card.
2. From the SYSTEM folder (from the unzipped archive), move the PLUG folder to the SYSTEM folder (on the memory card).
3. From the memory card itself (if you have used this cartridge before, you likely already have folders like PATCH, SAVER, etc.), move them into the SYSTEM folder.
4. Do not move game folders into the SYSTEM folder!
5. Choose the firmware theme you want to install (light or dark). Rename the firmware file to ezkernel.bin and copy it to the root of the memory card! For example, take ezkernel-light.bin, rename it to ezkernel.bin, and write it to the memory card.
6. Turn on the console while holding the button. The firmware will install and boot automatically.
7. Turn off the console (remove the memory card, insert it into your computer) and delete the ezkernel.bin file.
Now the firmware installation is complete.
If the Cartridge Doesn't Work Properly
On October 14, 2021, the developers of EZ-FLASH Omega released a mini FAQ on technical issues with the cartridge and their solutions.
Of course, 99% of users won't be able to use this guide, but on the other hand, you don't need to. It's enough to know the problem, buy a spare part for the cartridge, and take it to a service center where they can resolder the necessary component.
Let's proceed to examine the problems:
1. If the clock is running "crazy."
The quartz frequency stabilizer on the board is damaged. It needs to be replaced. The type of quartz frequency stabilizer is OSC 3.3V 3225 24.545Mhz.
2. If the cartridge boots without the Nintendo logo.
The issue is the same quartz frequency stabilizer. It needs to be replaced. The type of quartz frequency stabilizer is OSC 3.3V 3225 24.545Mhz.
3. If EZ-FLASH Omega constantly boots into the blue safe mode screen, but there is no "no loader found" message at the bottom.
The SELECT button on the console is shorted or malfunctioning.
4. If the message "bad nor id" appears when updating the cartridge firmware.
This means the S71 chip is poorly soldered.
According to the developers, you need to use an air soldering station to resolder the contacts (don't forget to protect other chips and components from being blown away).
5. If the game launches through NOR memory but doesn't load directly (just a white screen when loading).
Press and enter the cartridge's safe mode. Then perform a "Test Psram": most likely, an S98 error will appear.
The S98 chip is located on the back of the cartridge. It also needs to be resoldered.
6. If the game doesn't finish writing to NOR memory. You need to resolder the S98 chip.
7. If EZ-FLASH Omega constantly boots into the blue safe mode screen, but there is a "no loader found" message at the bottom.
This means the firmware bootloader has somehow been erased. The recovery process is explained in the guide – recovery-en.pdf