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Replacing the internals of a Game Boy Advance SP battery
In the 21st century, the weakest part of electronic devices is the battery. Especially if the console is almost 20 years old. Batteries turn into potential mini-bombs. There are different solutions: buy a new battery on AliExpress (but they are usually poor quality, no more than 100mAh) or use various mods, as in our article:
We offer you a third solution to this problem. You need to remove the sticker from the battery and replace its internals with new ones.
If you have such a battery, you can buy another base and modify it: Purchased battery for Game Boy Advance SP.
What do we need?
A thin knife (scalpel), you can order it on AliExpress:
3.7V 900mAh 603048 battery on AliExpress:
Note: 603048 is the battery size! You may be offered cheaper ones that look the same or have higher capacity, but you need exactly 603048!
Disassembling the battery
Step 1.
Carefully pry the top right corner with a scalpel and pull it towards you.
Step 2.
After removing the top part of the sticker, pry another corner of the sticker with a scalpel and peel it off. At the bottom, you may need to separate the sticker from the third layer of the sticker.
You should end up with this structure:
Step 3.
Flip the battery over and remove the back part of the sticker:
Step 4.
Peel off the sticker completely:
Replacing the internals
Now you should have a battery in a plastic frame:
Step 5.
Pop out the battery:
Step 6.
The battery is held by metal strips, which are the "wires." The one at the bottom is positive, and the one at the top is negative.
Carefully cut them. Do not cut them too short!!!
Step 7.
Solder the red wire to the metal strip that was at the bottom. Solder the black wire to the metal strip that was at the top.
If you look at the battery as in this photo, the positive is on the left, and the negative is on the right.
Assembling the battery
Step 8.
Insert the battery back into its place:
Step 9.
Reapply the sticker.
In the end, we get a battery like this. Not the most perfect design, but it looks much better than without the frame.