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How to quickly distinguish the version of PlayStation Portable (PSP)?
How to quickly distinguish the version of PlayStation Portable (PSP)?
During the life cycle of PlayStation Portable, Sony released as many as five varieties of this console. In order of their release:
1. PSP-1000 (Fat);
2. PSP-2000 (Slim & Lite);
3. PSP-3000 (Bright);
4. PSP GO (N1000);
5. PSP-E1000 (Street).
At the same time, it cannot be said that they significantly changed the design. And if you consider that the console designation was often hidden under the battery, you might have a question - how can they even be distinguished from each other?
PSP-1000 & PSP-2000 & PSP-3000
It was PSP 1000, 2000, and 3000 that were the models that were difficult to distinguish. Especially if you look at them from photos on the internet.
To quickly and easily determine the version of PSP, first look at the button in the lower left corner.
If it says HOME, then it's either PSP-1000 or PSP-2000. But if there is a PlayStation logo, then it's PSP-3000.
Suppose it says HOME, then you need to look at the speaker placement. If they are on top, it's PSP-2000, and if they are on the bottom, it's PSP-1000.
Bottom PSP-2000 (speakers closer to the top edge), top PSP-1000 (speakers closer to the bottom edge)
You can also determine the PSP version by the Sony logo. On PSP-3000, it's on the left, while on other versions, it's on the right.
PSP GO looks like a slider, so I don't think you'll have any problems identifying it.
PSP-E1000 (Street)
On one hand, PSP-E1000 has the same form factor as the first versions of PlayStation Portable. On the other hand, its design is radically different.
It has a matte body, not glossy.
In addition, the bottom panel was heavily redesigned. It looked like a touch panel (only looked like, in reality, it also had buttons) and had fewer buttons.