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Super Pass 2
Super Pass 2 is a commercial analog of PassMe 2.
Super Pass 2 comes in a beautiful light box.
The kit includes:
1. Super Pass 2;
2. Flashing adapter.
This adapter is extremely convenient - you don't need to solder your own JTAG cable.
Let's see what we need to run homebrew games on Nintendo DS:
1. Super Pass 2;
2. Adapter for flashing the chip;
3. GBA flash cartridge with a memory card;
4. Original Nintendo DS game cartridge (a list of compatible cartridges can be seen in the superpassV10 program);
6. USB cable;
7. superpassV10
Super Pass 2 is good because it had its own program for flashing the chip. In the usual case, you had to download Xilinx ISE and use it to flash the chip (which is not as convenient).
Download the archive: superpassV10.rar
Unzip it and install the program anywhere.
Insert Super Pass 2 into the special adapter, and the adapter into the LPT port of your computer. Connect the USB cable to the adapter and your laptop.
Note that Super Pass 2 has a firmware protection switch. The chip can only be rewritten if it is in the left position.
Run the superpassV10 program, and a window like this will appear:
Here you need to select the game. I have a Fifa 06 cartridge (European version), so I select it. Then click the Program button. That's it! In just 5 seconds, everything will be ready. But this setup still won't work.
If you go to the folder where you installed the superpassV10
program, you will see a lot of files:
Each game (cartridge) corresponds to 3 files with extensions: xsvf, gba, and sav.
– file for flashing the Super Pass 2 chip;
– save file that needs to be placed in SRAM memory;
– game file that places the save file in SRAM memory.
So, after flashing Super Pass 2, you still need to insert specific code into the SRAM memory of the flash cartridge. This is what the gba program is for.
You download the required .gba and .sav files to the flash cartridge (in my case, AF6P-0.gba and AF6P-0.sav). Then you need to turn on the flash cartridge in GBA mode and run the game "AF6P-0.gba" – it will write the AF6P-0.sav file to the SRAM memory. Now you can turn off the console and insert Super Pass 2 (and insert your game cartridge into it), and everything will work.