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Game Boy Advance SP cleaning the power switch
As mentioned in the FAQ on problems, the Game Boy Advance SP may not turn on for many reasons. You can read more about it here: FAQ on Game Boy Advance SP problems
However, the most common problem is dirty or oxidized contacts on the power switch. That is, the button that turns the console on.
This problem is solved very simply. You just need to clean the switch.
To access it, read our article on how to properly disassemble the case. You need to reach step 7 (inclusive), so that you have only the motherboard left in your hands.
The switch is located here (marked in red):
For understanding, the switch consists of three parts: a plastic case attached to the motherboard, the switch itself (just a metal plate that closes different contacts), and the top part that holds the switch in place.
There are two ways to clean it: simply use a contact cleaner or disassemble the button and clean it. As usual, the first option does not give a 100% guarantee, and we will not describe it in detail, I think you can handle it yourself. You just need to pour the cleaner on the contacts, move the switch in different directions, let everything dry, and that's it.
What do we need?
So, to disassemble the button, we need:
1. Soldering iron (and everything that goes with it, flux, etc.)
2. Utility knife or any thin object
3. Contact cleaner
4. Cotton swabs
You can find out what tools are needed and where to buy them in our article: Catalog of tools for console repair.
Step 1.
Carefully insert the utility knife under the silver plate (not too deep, no fanaticism).Step 2.
Desolder the contacts, while gently pulling up the gray metal plate so that it moves away from the contacts. Desolder only the contacts marked in red! And the same on the other side.
Step 3.
Desolder the contacts on the opposite side in the same way.
Step 4.
Remove the lever from the switch. Do not press on it under any circumstances!
Step 5.
Take a cotton swab, cut off its end, and use this end, soaked in contact cleaner, to clean the plastic part that remains on the case and the lever itself (be very careful with the lever).
Step 6.
The metal plate that holds the lever needs to be slightly bent in the opposite direction. (you pulled it up and slightly bent it, it needs to return to its original shape. And bend back the side petals (for the same reason).
Step 7.
Put the button and metal plate back in place.
Step 8.
Solder the metal plate back in place. In theory, you won't even need solder, just return the plate to its original position.
Step 9.
Take the lower part of the console case and place the board in it, insert the battery, and then turn on the console. The green light should come on.
Step 10.
Assemble the console completely.