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Which Game Boy to buy?

If you are new to Nintendo games, you might be surprised that the same games can be played on different consoles. Therefore, you might wonder: which console should you choose? In the case of later Nintendo consoles, the answer is almost straightforward and depends more on the size of the console than its internal features. However, with the earliest Nintendo consoles, the question is not so clear-cut.

The classic Game Boy console family includes:

Game Boy

Game Boy Pocket

Game Boy Light

Additionally, Game Boy games are supported on the following consoles:

Game Boy Color

Game Boy Advance

Game Boy Advance SP

Game Boy consoles

These consoles do not need to be flashed to play pirated games. The biggest downside here is that you need to buy a separate flash cartridge, which allows you to record any games and play them. It costs about 3500 rubles. For example, you can buy the EZ Flash Junior flash cartridge. You can read more about it in the article on the website: EZ Flash Junior.

Game Boy DMG-01

The first portable console from Nintendo was released in April 1989. This is not a case where the first attempt was a failure. This console is still extremely popular even though its price is quite high. On Avito, you can buy a Game Boy for 5,000 to 6,000 rubles.

Game Boy

This console has one significant advantage. It runs on 4 AA batteries and can be played for about 35 hours! This is the longest battery life of all Nintendo consoles. However, this also makes it the largest console in size.

In thickness, it is comparable to a matchbox:

Game Boy

And its overall size is quite large:

Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Light

Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Light

Additionally, it has the worst screen of all. It is the least contrasty. It is monochrome green, while in later models, it was changed to black and white, but this is more of a matter of preference.

Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket

But the worst part is not what we mentioned above, but the lack of a backlight. Therefore, you cannot play it at night, and even during the day, it is difficult to play.

Is it worth buying this console? Only for collection purposes. However, if you want to modify your console and install an IPS screen, the ability to use 4 batteries can be a big advantage because the IPS screen drains batteries very quickly.

Game Boy Pocket

This console was released 7 years after the classic Game Boy. On Avito, you can buy it for 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Game Boy Pocket

There were two important changes.

First, the size of the console was reduced by almost 30%, and it is no longer as thick:

Game Boy Pocket

Second, the screen was changed. It is now black and white instead of monochrome green.

Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Light

Unfortunately, due to the reduction in size, the power supply also changed. It now runs on 2 AAA batteries, which means the battery life has decreased to only 10 hours. Of course, 10 hours is still a lot for a single gaming session, but it is nowhere near the 35 hours of the original.

In any case, these are good changes. If you only plan to play Game Boy games and the lack of backlight does not bother you, then this is your choice.

Game Boy Light

This console was released in April 1998. However, it was only sold in Japan. This was because, in 1998, Nintendo was afraid that competitors were planning to release their own consoles, so they decided to quickly develop and release a color console (Game Boy Color). Nintendo had to decide whether to release the Game Boy Light or focus on the Game Boy Color. Since everything was ready for release, they decided to release a small batch of consoles and then shift focus to the next console. You can read more about this in the article: History of Game Boy Color.

Game Boy Light

Essentially, this is the same as the Game Boy Pocket, but with an electroluminescent backlight added:

Game Boy Light

Thanks to a switch that now has three positions: OFF/ON/LIGHT, you can play with the backlight on or off.

The backlight is decent, and now you can play the console at night.

Additionally, the type of batteries used has changed. The console now uses two regular AA batteries, which means the battery life has also changed. Without the backlight, the console works for about 20 hours, and with the backlight, it works for 12 hours.

If we ignore all subsequent consoles, this is the best choice for playing Game Boy games. However, there is one problem. As mentioned above, this console was only sold in Japan, so it is very difficult to find outside the Japanese market, and its price is high. We bought our console on eBay for 11,000 rubles. Currently, there is no direct delivery of goods from Japan to Russia, so you need to find a intermediary (preferably in America, not Europe, because Europe has a 20% duty on goods) who will receive the console and send it to you. We used the intermediary This intermediary has a warehouse in America, where we sent the console, and then they forwarded it to Russia.

Now we will look at other console options that can also natively play Game Boy games but are later models of the Game Boy family.

Game Boy Color

This console was released in October 1998 as a result of competition between Nintendo, SNK, and Bandai. Now Nintendo consoles had a color screen. It had a slightly improved processor, from 4 MHz to 8 MHz, and memory, from 8 MB to 32 MB. However, it did not have a backlight, even though the Game Boy Light already had one. It runs on two AA batteries and has a battery life of about 30 hours.

Game Boy Color

This console can also natively play Game Boy games. However, there is one key change. The console has 16 built-in palettes. When you turn on the console, if you hold down certain buttons, the Game Boy games are colored using the palette colors.

Game Boy palettes

This is a significant advantage that brings new experiences to the gameplay. Moreover, games started to appear that ran in black and white on classic Game Boy consoles, but if you inserted the cartridge into the Game Boy Color, the game was fully colored (not just using the palette as above). For example, one such game was Pokemon Trading Card Game:

Game Boy games compatible with Game Boy ColorGame Boy games compatible with Game Boy Color

Additionally, the game library significantly expanded with Game Boy Color games.

As a result, all these bonuses outweigh the drawbacks, and buying this console becomes more preferable. However, playing without a backlight is still difficult.

Game Boy Advance

The console was released in March 2001. This is the sixth generation of Nintendo consoles. This device can play classic Game Boy games, as well as Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance games. This means this console has the largest game library.

Game Boy Advance

There are two notable features compared to the Game Boy Color:

First, the games run in a window. There will be black bars on the sides of the screen, which some people might not like.

Game Boy Advance

Second, classic Game Boy and Game Boy Color games stick out of it.

Game Boy Advance

This console is definitely not worth buying for one reason. It does not have a backlight, and the next versions of GBA consoles have it, making them more preferable to buy.

Game Boy Advance SP

This console has two versions: AGS-001 and AGS-101.

Game Boy Advance SP

The only difference is the type of screen backlight (you can compare the two screens in the article: Comparison of Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001 and AGS-101 screens).

As a result, this is the only type of console that has excellent backlighting and is truly comfortable to play on. If the black bars on the sides and the fact that the cartridge sticks out of the console do not bother you, then this is the best option.

Game Boy Advance SP

Additionally, this console was the first to feature a built-in 600 mAh battery. This adds convenience, as you no longer need to change batteries or constantly remove and recharge rechargeable batteries. You just need to put the console on charge.

Note that there was also the Game Boy Micro console, but it cannot play Game Boy games.


The damn backlight, which is missing, ruins everything. Unfortunately, even the Game Boy Light is not as comfortable to play on as the Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101. Of course, this can be fixed by installing an IPS screen in the console. However, such screens drain the battery very quickly. So, what is the result?

If you do NOT plan to mod the console, then the best (and cheapest) option is to buy the Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101.

If you plan to mod the console, then the ideal option would be the Game Boy Color, due to its palettes, expanded library, and similar design to Game Boy consoles.

The results of a survey conducted in our VK group also confirm this:

Which Game Boy to choose?