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Review of Game Boy Advance SP

Nintendo has a good tradition: when they release a console, they immediately start improving it. This happened with the Game Boy Advance as well. Just three months after the release of this console, Nintendo developers began working on a new console, the Game Boy Advance SP. In February 2003, it hit the shelves.

Game Boy Advance SP

In this review, we will tell you about the iconic Game Boy Advance SP console. The name of the console appeared almost just before its release. Before that, it was called Game Boy Advance DX. Nintendo couldn't decide on the name or even the design until the last moment. If you look at Nintendo's patents, you can see a different design than the one that was eventually released.

Game Boy Advance SP patent
See those rounded edges on the console? They weren't in the final version.

You can read more about the history of the console in the article: «History of Game Boy Advance SP».

AGS-001 and AGS-101

Nintendo released two models of the Game Boy Advance SP: AGS-001 and AGS-101.

Interestingly, the AGS-101 version, released in 2005, was launched without any advertising. Many journalists were surprised by the fact that there was another, improved model of the Game Boy Advance SP. What can we say about ordinary consumers who still don't know about the existence of two versions of the console.

Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101 vs AGS-001

The main difference between these two consoles is the screen. The AGS-001 has a front-lit screen, while the AGS-101 has a backlit screen. And the backlight is what we are used to in modern devices.

Compare the quality of the backlight.

Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001 and Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101
Left: AGS-001, right: AGS-101.

You can see more about the backlight in different conditions in the article: «Comparison of Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001 and AGS-101 Screens».

To understand which version of the console you have, read the article: «How to Tell Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001 from AGS-101».

Where to Buy Game Boy Advance SP and What to Look for When Buying?

The production of Game Boy Advance SP consoles stopped in 2010, so you are unlikely to be able to buy a new console. Of course, I have seen new consoles for sale on eBay, but their price was huge - over $1000. To be honest, it's not necessary, as it's quite possible to find a used Game Boy Advance SP in good condition for a reasonable price.

Game Boy Advance SP

I bought all my consoles on three platforms: Avito, Yula, and eBay.

If you want to buy a regular (not limited edition) Game Boy Advance SP, then go to Avito or Yula. eBay is better if you want to buy a limited edition console, as there are many more of them sold there. Although the prices, of course, will be steep.

Unlike the Game Boy Advance console, the Game Boy Advance SP has one weak spot - the rear buttons. They oxidize and stop working, and they need to be resoldered. It's not very difficult; you can buy new rear buttons on AliExpress and resolder them, or use a special anti-oxidation liquid for metals. But initially, it's better to buy a console with working buttons.

Read more about which platform for selling used goods is better and what else to look for when buying in the article: «How to Buy Game Boy Advance (SP) Now and What to Look for When Buying?».

GBA SP Specifications

Specification Description
Manufacturer Nintendo / iQue
Model Game Boy Advance SP
Logo Gameboy advance SP logo.svg
Processor 32-bit ARM7TDMI + 8-bit Z80
Screen 2.9" TFT, 240×160 pixels
Screen Backlight AGS-001: front-lit / AGS-101: backlit
Sound Mono speaker, stereo support (via headphones)
Power 600 mAh lithium-ion battery
Battery Life 10-18 hours without backlight, 7-10 hours with backlight
Compatibility Games for Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance
Dimensions 84 × 82 × 24 mm
Weight 143 g
Ports Proprietary charging/headphone port / Link cable port
Release Date February 14, 2003 (Japan), March 23, 2003 (USA)

Console Bundle

Depending on the region, Game Boy Advance SP consoles were released in different types of boxes. For example, in America, it looked like this.

Game Boy Advance SP American box

In Europe, it was a completely different box.

Game Boy Advance SP European box

Accordingly, the bundles were different.

American bundle:

Game Boy Advance SP American bundle

European bundle:

Game Boy Advance SP European bundle

You can see other types of boxes and bundles of limited edition Game Boy Advance SP consoles in the «Catalog of Limited Edition Game Boy Advance SP Consoles from Different Regions». There are over 50 pages with all limited edition GBA SP consoles and over 200 photos.

Console Dimensions

The Game Boy Advance SP is the first console to be released in a "clamshell" design. Nintendo liked this design so much that almost all subsequent portable consoles were made in this style.

Dimensions of GBA SP (AGS-001 and AGS-101 versions have the same dimensions):

Width: 84 mm

Height: 82 mm

Thickness: 24 mm

Despite the fact that the console turned out to be thick, its square folding design is much more convenient and preferable for travel.

Game Boy Advance SP and a matchbox


Almost all Nintendo consoles are made of very pleasant materials. However, in this case, there is one problem. The plastic from which the upper part of the console is made is easily scratched. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will find a console in perfect condition. Even before the console was sold, journalists began to complain that their Game Boy Advance SP was all scratched. The only good thing is that there are still new cases available in any color and style. And if your console's case is in terrible condition, you can buy a new one on AliExpress.

The Game Boy Advance SP can run Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance games.

Game Boy Advance SP

However, as with the Game Boy Advance, old cartridges will stick out of the console, and there will be black bars on the sides of the screen.

Game Boy Advance SP

The buttons on the console are not so straightforward. Many complain that the recessed D-pad greatly interferes with them. Some people's hands start to hurt due to the folding form factor and the similar button layout. But personally, this did not affect me, which does not negate the fact that it's better for you to hold the console yourself and check your feelings about the buttons.

Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Advance SP

Here's what subscribers write in our VK group.

Alex: «In principle, the SP is very cool, in some ways even more convenient than the regular GBA».

Vitaly: «Personally, the SP D-pad causes me slight discomfort only in games where you need to finely control two axes simultaneously (for example, in flying levels of Astro Boy), but even then it's mostly a matter of habit. In everything else, I prefer the SP form factor to the horizontal one.».

Mikhail: «I have a 101 SP and a regular GBA with IPS. I play on the standard GBA because the D-pad and grip are more comfortable (for me). I only take the SP because of its size when I'm traveling without a bag and need to put it in my pocket.».

Rodion: «The GBA SP in the classic folding version is too small, and when playing lying down, the corners start to dig into your hands after a while.».

As you can see, opinions vary, so it's better to try holding the console yourself.

The Game Boy Advance SP runs on a 600 mAh battery. Regardless of the console version (AGS-001 or AGS-101), the same battery is used, which means that the AGS-001 version lasts longer, while the AGS-101 version lasts less. A good result for the AGS-101 (assuming you're playing with a flash cartridge, not an original cartridge) is 5 hours of operation. In turn, the AGS-001 works for about 7 hours.

Game Boy Advance SP battery

On the top of the console, there is a network port (right) and a charging port (left). Interestingly, the charging port here is combined with the headphone audio output. But for this, you need to buy a special adapter. On the sides, there are holes for accessories:

Game Boy Advance SP side view

At the bottom, there is a cartridge port.

Game Boy Advance SP side view

On the right, there is a power slider and LEDs.

Game Boy Advance SP side view

On the left, there is a volume slider. Although, to be honest, the sound quality in all Game Boy Advance family consoles is simply terrible. It hisses and crackles.

Game Boy Advance SP side view

Console Cons

This console was not without the shortcomings of the Game Boy Advance. It added a backlit screen and a built-in battery, but other problems arose:

1. The GBA SP AGS-001 version has poor backlighting compared to the GBA SP AGS-101;

2. Both versions of the console require an adapter for headphones;

3. You cannot charge the console and play with headphones at the same time;

4. The console's sound is poor (hissing);

5. The console's body is easily scratched.

How to Play on the Console?

As with the Game Boy Advance, there are three conditional ways to play games on the Game Boy Advance SP:

1. Original Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance cartridges.

Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance cartridges

These cartridges have three problems: they don't have Russian language support, they are expensive, and they are very hard to find. On Russian second-hand platforms, the selection is very limited, so you'll have to order from abroad.

2. Pirated cartridges.

These cartridges are sold in large quantities on both Russian and foreign platforms.

For example, new cartridges can be bought on Ozon, and their used versions on Avito. Even on AliExpress, there are many different (new) cartridges. However, there is one caveat. If you buy used cartridges on Avito, they will have Russian language support, but the battery will likely be dead (meaning the game won't save). If you buy cartridges on AliExpress, it's the opposite. The cartridges will have a chip that doesn't need a battery, but they definitely won't have Russian language support. I haven't bought cartridges on Ozon, but in theory, the battery should be fresh.

Game Boy Advance pirated cartridges
Left: Russian pirated cartridges, right: bought on AliExpress.

3. Flash cartridges.

Flash cartridges are the most convenient way to play games on the Game Boy Advance. These are special rewritable cartridges that support almost all games. Except for some specific cartridges that had a gyroscope and light sensor built-in.

Game Boy Advance SP and flash cartridges

You can find out which flash cartridge is best to buy in our FAQ.


The Game Boy Advance SP was also released under the iQue brand. Moreover, they had their own limited edition consoles.

iQue Game Boy Advance SP

Don't worry if you see the iQue logo on a Game Boy Advance SP console; it's a completely original console. Moreover, it so happens that in Russia, these versions of the console are more common than those with the Nintendo logo.

You can read more about the history of the iQue GBA SP in the article «History of Nintendo in China - iQue Company. Part 2. iQue SP».


Of all the Game Boy Advance family consoles, the GBA SP is my favorite. The Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101 version is a complete solution for gaming: no need to worry about the battery or screen backlighting, just buy and play. After all, the difference between 17 thousand for a Game Boy Advance (with all mods and a flash cartridge) or 8 thousand for a Game Boy Advance SP (only needing to buy a flash cartridge) is very significant.

Interestingly, because many people are unaware of the difference between the AGS-001 and AGS-101 versions, they are often sold at the same price. But never buy the AGS-001 version (unless you need a specific limited edition or want to install an IPS screen in the console).