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How to buy a Game Boy Advance (SP) now and what to look for when buying?
As of 2020, the production of Game Boy Advance consoles (all versions) has long been discontinued. Of course, you can find an unopened console at an auction, but it will usually be very expensive. For example, eBay sells a limited edition platinum/onyx version for $2500.
We will talk about buying a used version of the console and what to look for.
First, you need to decide which version of the console you want to buy. Game Boy Advance cartridges can run on 6 consoles:
Game Boy Advance
Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001
Game Boy Micro
Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS Lite
To understand which console to choose, read the article: «Which Game Boy Advance console to buy?».
Video Review
You can also watch our video: "Review of the Game Boy Advance console family in 2021."
Or a video about how I bought a Game Boy Advance SP in 2022.
Where to buy a console?
There are actually many options for buying consoles, but the main ones are 4 platforms:
1. eBay
2. Avito
3. Yula
4. AliExpress
eBay is the largest platform with the widest selection of consoles. Recently, prices for consoles on Russian and foreign platforms have started to level out. If in 2019 the price of consoles in Russia was ~1500 - ~2500 rubles, now it has already increased to 5000 rubles. Because of this, the prices on eBay are quite competitive with domestic ones. However, there is one downside - the cost of delivery. If you use the services provided by the seller's mail, the delivery cost can be from 2000 rubles, which of course is not acceptable for us. In addition, you need to understand:
First, the range of consoles on eBay depends on your address. That is, if you specify a Russian address, you will only see international sellers, and there are few of them.
Secondly, there is a way, so to speak, to get an address in America. And it's not difficult. Personally, I use the services of the company CDEK. They have a website, where you register and get an address, which you then specify on eBay. The delivery of the console from America will cost you 800 rubles, which will be much cheaper than ordering directly through eBay.
Avito is the largest platform in Russia for buying/selling goods. The largest and most convenient selection of consoles in Russia. The downside is that consoles are sold out like hotcakes and limited editions are very rare, but the upside is that new lots are constantly appearing for sale. There is an opportunity to buy a console cheaper, but for this you need to constantly monitor the Avito website and have time to order the console immediately.
There is a convenient Avito Delivery service. Avito acts as an intermediary between you and the seller. You order a lot and transfer money to Avito for it. The seller, in turn, sends you the console. When the console arrives, you check it at the office (delivery service) and confirm (or refuse) the console. In case of refusal, you get a full refund (including the cost of delivery, which you pay).
Yula is a competitor to Avito. Essentially, it's the same thing, but the selection of consoles is much smaller. If you decide to wait for the right price for a console, it's better to monitor both Yula and Avito.
AliExpress is a Chinese store. Yes, they also sell modified consoles, and considering that the cost of consoles in Russia has increased significantly recently, the prices on AliExpress no longer seem exorbitant.
Moreover, note that in this lot with Game Boy Advance consoles, there are different mods: a completely original console without backlight, separately with an IPS screen, and separately with an IPS screen, a beautiful case, and a box. That is, there is a product for every taste and budget.
How to check a Game Boy Advance and what to look for when buying?
The first thing to check is whether the console is original. Mostly, counterfeits that are difficult to distinguish from the original are only for the Game Boy Advance SP. Therefore, read the article: «How to distinguish an original Game Boy Advance SP from a counterfeit?».
As for the other versions of the Game Boy Advance family, you don't have to worry, I once saw a counterfeit for sale, but it was very easy to determine.
The main problem with counterfeits is that games on them lag and slow down, so I do not recommend buying them, even though they have built-in memory.
If you are sure that you have an original, the first thing to check is the screen, or rather the overlay on it. Depending on the console, it may be difficult to replace. If you have a Game Boy Advance, you don't have to worry too much, as the overlay is easy to replace: it sticks to the case, not the screen itself.
If you have a Game Boy Advance SP, it's better to look for one without scratches (especially since the GBA SP console is foldable, which means the screen is protected: because the overlay sticks to the screen itself). And it's moderately difficult to replace: dust will definitely get under it or it will stick crookedly.
If you have a Game Boy Micro, the entire front panel is replaced. But it's hard to find new high-quality panels, so it's better if they are in good condition.
On the Game Boy Advance, the buttons are designed in such a way that a conductive rubber closes two adjacent contacts when the button is pressed, and this is how the console understands that the button is pressed. The main problem is that over 20 years, these rubbers dry out and lose their properties. Therefore, you should most likely be prepared to replace them.
On the Game Boy Advance SP, the weak point of the console is the rear L and R buttons. There is a plate that closes two contacts. This plate oxidizes and eventually stops conducting electricity. Therefore, if soldering is not your strong suit, look for a console where these buttons work perfectly. If you feel that the button is sticking, it's the beginning of the end and it will soon stop working. On the other hand, replacing the buttons is very simple, even if you've never held a soldering iron in your hands.
The Game Boy Advance uses two AA batteries. Therefore, the main thing is to check that the battery contacts have not started to corrode.
The second weak point of the Game Boy Advance SP is the battery charging. Often there are consoles that simply do not charge the battery. This can happen for various reasons, but it is advisable to check that the console charges. Moreover, note that if you put the console on charge and the orange light comes on and immediately turns off, it can mean two things:
1. The console is broken, and charging is not happening;
2. The console is fully charged.
Therefore, play a little. And try to put the console on charge again.
If you are not a console collector, but just want to play it, you can NOT look at the condition of the case, fortunately it is very easy to buy and replace. On AliExpress, very beautiful cases are sold.
For example, glowing in the dark:
Or transparent cases for Game Boy Advance SP: