Table of Contents
Which Game Boy Advance console should you buy?
Which Game Boy Advance console should you buy?
How to distinguish Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001 from AGS-101?
In my opinion, one of the most famous and best-selling consoles is the Game Boy Advance family. Moreover, the demand for them is growing every year. If in 2015 a Game Boy Advance SP could be bought for 500 rubles, in 2019 for 2500 rubles, and in 2021 prices have already risen to 5000 rubles. If you wanted to buy such a console, you shouldn't delay too much, as prices will continue to rise.
In this article, we will try to figure out which Game Boy Advance console you should choose.
The Game Boy Advance family includes (in order of release):
Game Boy Advance
Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001
Game Boy Micro
Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101
In addition, Game Boy Advance game support is available on the following consoles:
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS Lite
Video Review
Game Boy Advance
This console was released in March 2001. It is the sixth generation of Nintendo consoles.
For the first time, Nintendo consoles changed their form factor from vertical to horizontal. Many people love this console just because it is more comfortable to hold.
Unfortunately, the internals of the console changed very little. Yes, the main processor was improved. If before it was an 8-bit Zilog Z80, now the consoles switched to ARM technology and a 32-bit ARM7TDMI. This made the games more colorful and dynamic. But unfortunately, nothing else changed. Like the old Game Boy consoles, there was no backlight and no built-in battery. The developers were heavily criticized for this. However, according to them, this was due to the fact that there was no factory in the world that could meet Nintendo's demand for console parts. You can learn more about the history of the console in the article: «History of Game Boy Advance».
Of course, playing without a backlight in 2021 is a very questionable pleasure. Even though there are many enthusiasts who enjoy it, it's still not worth buying such a console. But! If you are not averse to modding the console, this device is perfect for mods.
First, you can install a bright screen (either an original one from the Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101 or an IPS screen from third-party developers). You can read more about IPS screens in the article: «IPS screens for Game Boy consoles. Which IPS screen to buy?».
Secondly, you can easily install a battery mod with USB Type-C charging in the battery compartment.
The main problem here is that the total price of such a console is very high. The console itself now costs 4-5 thousand rubles. An IPS screen (or an original screen from GBA SP AGS-101) will cost you about 4-5 thousand rubles. And the battery mod will cost an additional 3500 rubles. And that's not including shipping. In total, it will cost around 13-15 thousand rubles.
Another plus of this console is the ability to run old Game Boy and Game Boy Color games. However, due to the change in screen shape (from square to rectangular), when you launch Game Boy games, there will be black bars on the sides of the screen.
In conclusion: if you are sure that you will not modify your console, we do not recommend buying the Game Boy Advance. On the other hand, if you are willing to invest a little more money and modify it, the Game Boy Advance is a good option.
Game Boy Advance SP
In February 2003, another Nintendo console was released – the Game Boy Advance SP. This console was developed in secret from Nintendo's management. The developers wanted to create a stylish and beautiful device. In my opinion, they succeeded. Interestingly, the developers couldn't decide on the name or the shape of this console until the last moment. You can read more about the history of this console and interesting facts in the article: «History of Game Boy Advance SP».
In terms of performance and technical content, this console is almost no different from the Game Boy Advance. There are 4 key changes:
1. The form factor changed to a "clamshell" design. This had a very positive impact on the compactness of this model.
2. Finally, the screen got a more or less normal backlight. Interestingly, Nintendo stole this idea from Triton Lab’s, who came up with how to install a backlight on the Game Boy Advance (the AfterBurner device).
3. For the first time, Nintendo consoles got a built-in battery. Now you could simply charge the device and continue playing.
4. Due to the compactness of the Game Boy Advance SP, it was not possible to fit an AUX port. Therefore, to connect headphones, you had to buy a separate adapter.
Unfortunately, even with the backlight, the device was still not very good. Therefore, we do not recommend buying this version of the console. However, if you already have it, you can install an IPS screen, and then the Game Boy Advance SP will shine with new colors.
Game Boy Micro
This console is another attempt by Nintendo to create a more stylish and smaller device, which was successfully implemented. The console body is made of aluminum, making it very pleasant to the touch. You can change the faceplates of the console. You can read more about the history of this console and interesting facts in the article: «History of Game Boy Micro».
Let's start with the design. The console, as already mentioned, became very small. On the one hand, it is the only Nintendo device that easily fits in your pocket, but on the other hand, it is so miniature that many find it uncomfortable to use. In fact, until you hold it in your hands, you won't realize how small this version of the Game Boy is.
Due to the reduction in size, the screen size also changed. The saddest part is that it is so small that you need excellent eyesight to play on this console. However, the screen itself was improved. Finally, it got a backlight (like all modern consoles). It became convenient to play both at night and during the day. Moreover, the screen has 5 brightness levels. No other Game Boy Advance console has this.
Also, the Game Boy Micro got a proper built-in battery. However, the charging port was changed. Due to this change, all accessories that were used with the GBA and GBA SP no longer fit the Micro. But the AUX port is back, and you don't need that terrible adapter.
Let's touch on the downsides of the Game Boy Micro.
1. The main downside of the Micro is its price. The starting price is from 7-8 thousand rubles, and that's if you're lucky;
2. The size of the console – this is more of a subjective factor, but for many, this console is too small;
3. The battery is only 460 mAh, which makes the battery life of this device very short, and even shorter with flash cartridges (you'd be lucky if the Micro with EZ Flash Omega lasts 5 hours);
4. Accessories from GBA and GBA SP do not fit, and finding versions for GB Micro is very difficult;
5. No support for old Game Boy and Game Boy Color games.
Overall, we can recommend this console for purchase under two circumstances: if you love miniature devices and if the price doesn't bother you.
Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101
This version of the console appeared right after the release of the Game Boy Micro. It is a slightly improved version of the Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001. Essentially, it is the same model, but with a modified screen that now has a backlight.
Since the changes only affected the screen, let's talk about it. To understand how much the screen has changed, check out our article: «Comparison of Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001 and AGS-101 screens».
As you can see, the changes are simply colossal, and the new screen was so liked by console buyers that Nintendo literally stopped the production of the Game Boy Micro a year after sales started and launched the Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101.
In our opinion, this is the most ideal Nintendo console in terms of all parameters:
1. It has a 700 mAh battery;
2. It has a bright and vibrant screen;
3. It has a compact size due to the clamshell form factor;
4. It supports Game Boy and Game Boy Color games.
However, there is a fly in the ointment. Like the AGS-001 version, this console does not have an AUX port.
How to determine if this is the version with the bright screen? Just look at the label on the back (it will say either AGS-001 or AGS-101):
This is the best option for purchase if you want to start playing right away. Of course, in 2021, the price of this version of the console has risen to 4-5 thousand rubles, but it is still practically the cheapest option among all the ones mentioned above (strangely enough, many people are not aware that the GBA SP exists in two versions, 001 and 101, so the price for them can be the same).
In addition to these 4 versions of the console, native Game Boy Advance game support is also available on Nintendo DS consoles.
Nintendo DS
At the end of 2004, that is, even before the release of the Game Boy Micro and Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101, the Nintendo DS console was released in Japan. Following the good old tradition, Nintendo left full support for Game Boy Advance games in this console. And it would seem that this is the perfect device, because what could be better than getting native Game Boy Advance game support along with Nintendo DS games. But personally, I didn't like this gaming experience.
The biggest downside is probably the form factor of the console. Yes, it's also a clamshell, but it's huge by itself with the bottom screen (or top, if you set it up that way) not being used at all. So essentially, you're using half of the console.
In addition, the screens of this console are worse than those of the Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101. They have poor viewing angles and are not as bright.
Perhaps the only plus of this console, from the perspective of GBA gaming, is the fact that the cartridge fits completely into the console.
I wouldn't recommend buying this console for Nintendo DS games, and accordingly, I wouldn't recommend buying it for GBA games either.
Nintendo DS Lite
The last console with Game Boy Advance game support was the Nintendo DS Lite. Compared to the Nintendo DS, this version has two important changes: it became smaller and the screens were improved.
The size and compactness of this version of the console are significantly different from the Nintendo DS.
However, due to the reduced size, GBA cartridges no longer fit completely into the console.
The screens became brighter and the viewing angles were improved:
Unfortunately, despite all these improvements, I still don't like playing on it. Size does matter. A bunch of extra buttons and an extra screen greatly worsen the gaming experience.
However, there are two interesting ways to use this (and the Nintendo DS) console:
1. You can make a Macro mod (if you break off the top part of the console), which is an interesting idea;
2. You can use it as an auxiliary console: to back up saves from GBA cartridges or to rewrite your GBA cartridges.
Overall, from the perspective of Game Boy Advance gaming, I would recommend buying Game Boy Advance consoles, but if you need a good auxiliary device or want to play both GBA and NDS games, the Nintendo DS Lite is the perfect option to buy.
I would like to talk separately about the company iQue. iQue Ltd. was founded in 2002, and its main owners were Nintendo and Professor Wei Yen. This company was engaged in the production of consoles under the Nintendo license. Moreover, they released all the above-mentioned consoles under their brand. And don't let this confuse you, these are the same devices, just with the iQue logo.
Despite the wide selection of consoles in the Game Boy Advance family and the support of such games on the Nintendo DS, the choice of a console for a beginner is extremely limited. In terms of price/size/quality of screens/battery presence, there is only one option suitable for purchase – the Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101.